christopher's notes

installing arch packages requires a reboot

Not always, but not infrequently. I think most long-time Arch users know this, but it can be helpful to spell it out.

Consider the following issues:

  1. If you need to load kernel modules, the installed kernel must match the running kernel. (the legendary FS#16702)
  2. If you update your kernel, you must reboot in order to match the installed and the running kernel versions.
  3. Whenever you update your system, that may include a kernel update.
  4. Whenever you update your package database, you must update your system to avoid a partial update.
  5. A slightly outdated package database may refer to packages that aren't available in the mirrors any more, requiring you to update your package database to install the package.

This is how it usually works for me:

Several of these issues are fixable, but require concessions.

File this under "weird papercuts that have been around so long you forget how confusing they are" right next to the thing where old packages 404 without pacman ever telling you that you need -Sy.

Updated 2024-07-30 15:30 to include mention of kernel-modules-hook and the Arch Linux Archive.

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